Rhinoceros Horn

Sep 10, 2016 21:49
Today, I will talk about rhinoceros horn.

A rhinoceros is known to have a very hard skin, and a horn.

Actually, this horn is made of a protein called keratin, and there is no bone in the horn.

This is similar to hair (beard) or nails of humans, and if anything, it's closer to hair.

Therefore, even if the horn breaks, it will grow again naturally.

Since the rhinoceros horns are useful as herbal medicine, and the price can be higher than gold or platinum, rhinoceros poaching often takes place in massive.

By the way, bull's horns seem to be closer to nails.







No. 1 Walktheline's correction
  • Today, I will talk about rhinoceros horn.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • A rhinoceros is known to have a very hard skin, and a horn.
  • The rhinoceros is known to have a very hard skin, and a horn.
     Use 'the' here instead of 'a', because you are talking about 'The' species.
  • Actually, this horn is made of a protein called keratin, and there is no bone in the horn.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This is similar to hair (beard) or nails of humans, and if anything, it's closer to hair.
  • This is similar to human hair (the beard) or nails and if anything, it's closer to hair.
  • Therefore, even if the horn breaks, it will grow again naturally.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since the rhinoceros horns are useful as herbal medicine, and the price can be higher than gold or platinum, rhinoceros poaching often takes place in massive.
  • Rhinoceros poaching often takes place on a massive scale, since rhinoceros horn is useful as herbal medicine, the price can be higher than gold or platinum,
     I would use Chinese medicine rather than herbal medicine.

    Rhino poaching often takes place on a massive scale, since Rhino horn is used in Chinese medicine, the price can be higher than gold or platinum.
  • By the way, bull's horns seem to be closer to nails.
  • By the way, the bull's horns seem to be closer to nails.
Rhinoceros is usually shorted to Rhino.
It would be shame if mankind wiped the Rhino. Rhinos are such funny looking animals....